
  Washington DC [US], August 24 (ANI): On Friday, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh engaged...

  Washington DC [US], August 24 (ANI): On Friday, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh engaged with senior leadership from US defence companies during an industry round-table organized by the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum. He outlined various emerging co-development and co-production opportunities within India's defence sector.

  An official release indicated that the progressive reforms implemented by the Indian government have encouraged numerous foreign Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), particularly from the US, to establish manufacturing units in India, develop joint ventures, and consider India as an alternative export base. The planned co-production of GE 414 aero-engines in India is anticipated to be a significant milestone in India-US bilateral relations.

  Rajnath Singh emphasized that "partnership" and "joint efforts" are the two key concepts that distinguish India's defence industry collaborations from those with other nations. The event was attended by senior leaders from prominent US defence and technology companies, including Boeing, GE, General Atomics, General Dynamics Land Systems, L3 Harris, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Technologies, Rolls Royce, and ThayerMahan. Additionally, representatives from Indian companies such as ideaForge, Tata Sons, and Tsecond, along with senior leaders from The Cohen Group, participated in the discussions.

  During the interaction, business leaders presented their ongoing projects and future plans for India, providing valuable feedback. Singh reiterated India's openness to US investment and technology collaboration, highlighting the country's skilled workforce, robust pro-FDI and pro-business ecosystem, and large domestic market.

  In a separate meeting with US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, both leaders expressed satisfaction over the conclusion of the Security of Supplies Arrangement (SOSA), which aims to foster collaboration between the defence industrial ecosystems of both nations and enhance supply chain resilience. The bilateral meeting took place at the Pentagon, where they discussed a wide range of topics, including bilateral defence cooperation, industrial collaboration, regional security, and other international issues.

  In his opening remarks, Singh noted that India and the US share a comprehensive global strategic partnership encompassing nearly all areas of human endeavor. He pointed out the growing convergence of strategic interests and enhanced cooperation in defence, security, and industry.

  The Defence Minister highlighted various co-development and co-production opportunities in India, as identified in the India-US Defence Industrial Cooperation Roadmap adopted last year. Both ministers expressed satisfaction with the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement regarding the Deployment of Liaison Officers, with India set to deploy its first Liaison Officer to the Headquarters Special Operations Command in Florida, US.

  They also acknowledged the progress made in operationalizing the Indo-Pacific Maritime Domain Awareness initiative, a Quad initiative, and commended India's ongoing efforts to enhance maritime domain awareness for partners in the Indian Ocean Region. The two leaders noted India's participation in the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) and the planned deployment of Indian Navy personnel to CMF's Combined Task Force 150 headquarters in 2025.

  The ministers praised the efforts of the India-US Defence Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X) in establishing a Defence Innovation bridge between the two countries, fostering robust networks across startups, industry, academia, and government, and accelerating the adoption of cutting-edge technologies to enhance war-fighting capabilities.

  The upcoming INDUS X Silicon Valley Summit in September 2024 is expected to announce several key initiatives. Prior to the meeting at the Pentagon, Singh participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery.

  Both leaders expressed anticipation for their next meeting at the upcoming India-US 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue. Singh later met with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan at the White House, where they discussed the evolving geopolitical landscape, key regional security issues, and ongoing defence industrial collaboration projects between India and the US.

  Rajnath Singh is on an official visit to the US from August 23 to 26. (ANI)




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    本文概览:  Washington DC [US], August 24 (ANI): On Friday, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh engaged...



